Tuesday, October 19, 2010

20 Weeks Pregnant

Does time fly, or does time fly?
I can't believe I'm half way there... in 20 weeks I'll be saying hello to my little baby girl.  Top that off with our 5 year anniversary just at the half way point in pregnancy, it's a very exciting day.

This week Danny and I participated in our first child birth class. It was really awesome, very informative, and I've already learned so much. I've been doing my squats and stretches in preparation for labor, and Danny is working on relaxation techniques. I think it'll help the both of us when the time comes. My Bradley Class instructor told me that soft tissue injuries hurt more than labor - so that broken ankle I had after prancing around in japan after a pedicure in flip flops in the rain she said probably was a worse pain to endure than labor itself. She had nearly the same thing happen, a bone in her foot broke, which she said was worse than labor. I think it's really the fear of labor that is probably worse for most people than the act of labor itself. You hear horror stories and are told you need the pain meds to help with the pain, we're such weenies now a days! This is what our body was made for, after all. I'm excited to experience it all. It's only a few hours of "pain" to endure for something so wonderful.

Let's see, other than that, Emma still moves, she responds to Danny's voice, and doesn't like it when my bladder is full. She'll kick it until I go to the restroom. She loves to dance and do somersaults in there especially first thing in the morning. She's kicked hard enough to wake me up in the middle of the night, but still Danny hasn't felt her movement yet.

I had a cold last week, which brought on the morning sickness again, that was fun. And working has been difficult, I can't eat much while I'm there and I get to this sick, hungry, dizzy point.... and if it's too busy or there aren't enough employees there I'm not allowed to take a break. (which is crap, makes me miss California law.) I've started keeping track of protein intake for Bradley class, we're recommended to eat 90g of protein each day, so far I've done really well maintaining about 100g of protein each day, give or take a few grams. I keep the protein bars and drinks handy if I'm missing some at the end of the day I'll eat or drink one of those before bed. I've noticed lately I'm not eating as much fruit as I was during the summer fruit season, so I started to use frozen fruits in smoothies.

I suppose that's about all for this week, until next time! xoxo

Weight: 131.0 (haven't kept anything down today though.. last night I was at 132.5.)

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the fear of labor being the worst part. With Konner my plan was to stay at home AS LONG AS POSSIBLE to decrease my chance of wanting to get meds and increase my chance of a VBAC. By the time I got to the hospital (after an ambulance ride from gate 1 because I REALLY didn't think I was going to make it!) I was already fully dialated and crowning! I didn't expect to be that far when I got there because all day through the contractions I just kept expecting it to get worse and it didn't. Not to say that it didn't hurt because that would be a lie, but I think that expecting worse is what made it easier to handle for the time. I am proud to say that I delivered all 9lbs. 6 oxs. of Konner with out any meds or interventions (vacuum, etc...)! and if I can do then anyone can! Good luck! Stick with the Bradley method! It was great for me and I think the MAIN reason that I was able to stay home for so long!
