Saturday, October 30, 2010

21 Weeks

Whew. What a week!

During the last week, we have flown back and forth to California, which let me tell you - is ridiculously uncomfortable while pregnant. The swelling is outrageous, as well as the dehydration factor. I still can't pull my rings off.

What's going on with the pregnancy? Emma is now kicking much higher than before, once kicking my belly button. Her arms/legs come out from all sides of the belly. I had an appointment this morning, my 20 week appointment, even though I'm 21 weeks just because of the trip we had to push it back. Shortest appointment ever, really. Measured my uterus - I'm measuring about 20 weeks right now, I'm not surprised they change their minds every time I go in. Found Emma's heart beat, racing around 150bpm. Blood pressure was alright, 119/74, weight was good, with tennies and a sweater jacket on I was at 136lbs.

Signs and symptoms - not much going on. Still pretty acne ridden, which isn't cute. I think I felt a braxton hicks last night, on my right side. It was kind of weird, but not painful or anything. Then after the plane ride and everything fun like that, I was really really sore and I still am, my whole body hurts and aches. A little nauseous but I haven't gotten sick again since last Tuesday when I couldn't keep anything down, so that's a big plus!!

I'm pretty sure Emma is on a schedule. She kicks at the same times each morning and in the afternoon, does dances around lunch time, and loves sweets, because every time I eat anything with sugar in it she does flips and goes bonkers.

In other news, the baby shower was FABULOUS! I got some great little things for Emma, outfits, hair bows, blankies, bibbs, bottles, toys, slippers, along with some fabulous gift cards. We came home to some big boxes, a stroller/car seat combo, a rocking sleeper, and a boppy! Also in the mail, a doppler from a friend! I was hoping to have it before traveling home so my Mom could hear the heart beat but it came the day after we left. She sent it to me after I had some anxiety a few weeks ago when Emma stopped moving for several hours.

Current Weight (on my scale):134 Waist: 33inches


  1. As I said, the acne will probably dissapear if you cut out the sugar. I can't believe how clear my skin has been since I stopped eating sugar and since I had some last weekend now I'm broken out =P. Emma might do flips but the sugar rush may not be as healthy as getting it from fruit or something. Granted, who am I to tell a craving, holy (and I mean that sincerely) preggers what to eat!!!!

  2. also, the best thing for sugary cravings (to stave them off) is to avoid getting hungry in the first place, and if you make sure you have protein at each meal of the day that will help A LOT. Once I started eating protein at each meal I became less and less needing to eat between meals. Now being preggars you are supposed to eat like 8 times a day =P, so that is lots of opportunities to get your protein and veggies. Hopefully you can start to stomach some meats (Dandelion is what I am taking to stave off nausea, called Phyllanthus), but beans and nuts have good protein stuffs too. Good luck, I love you.
