Monday, June 23, 2014

1 Month

WOW! Time flies!

I can button a pair of my fat jeans!!! That doesn't mean they fit - - I still won't wear them because of the intense muffin top, but I can get them buttoned! I've been trying twice a week to get them on and finally!!

At 3 weeks PP I was off all meds - pain and otherwise.

Lochia has really really slowed, I have hardly any bleeding anymore and just wear a pantyliner now. YAY!

Still can't wear my rings. :(

Still not working out but I carry Kari in my Ergo whenever we go somewhere and walk to the park a few times a week with Emma. I'm ready to get to the gym though!!! :)

Our household is running pretty smoothly and I don't have anxiety about taking the kids out by myself or being able to handle things. I take advantage of having danny around when he is home and get as much help as I can from him to make my life easier - - but when he isn't home I manage just fine by myself. Ask me again though when he's gone for several days in a row HAHAHA.

I remember getting stuck STUCK STUCK at 140 lbs last time. . . So no surprise I'm stuck again. Can't wait to loose the rest of this FAT! And my thighs rubbing together is getting old. I need skinny in my life to feel normal.

Weight: 140 (Bounces up and down daily between 138 - 142, probably depending on how much milk I have in me and how hydrated I am etc)

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