Wednesday, September 15, 2010

15 Weeks Pregnant

Oh Heart beat, it's a love beat, and and when we meet, it's a good sensation!

That's right, we heard little Squishy's heart beat!

Yesterday I went to the doctor, I've been having some serious pains that feel like horrible menstrual pains, and lower back pain that could kill someone. (Ok not that bad, it didn't have me in tears, but it hurt and was really uncomfortable!) I found out that I had an infection that causes the uterus to contract, and that's what I was feeling, and it's a good thing that I went in to get it treated because that causes preterm labor! And since baby isn't of viable age, he or she would have died. LUCKILY! I went in to the doctor and got some antibiotics. They make my mouth taste horrible, and I hate them, and have 6 days left, but it's all for baby!

They listened for Squish, and the heart rate was up at 160 BPM, which is good!! He or she was moving around a LOT and the doctor said that I might be able to feel him or her moving very soon. Danny wasn't at the appointment, so when the doctor said we could listen to the heart beat I was pretty sad that he wasn't there - that he would miss another first... but she told me to call him so he could hear it over the phone!!

I'm still sick, and yesterday Danny said to me, "Gosh babe, you sure throw up a lot!" Thanks honey! And he missed the worst of it LOL. But because I'm no longer throwing up at night, I've started to add some meat and chicken back into my diet, slowly, at night only. I still can't eat very much of it but I'm eating some and that's a start! at the doctor's office I weighed in (with clothes on) at 129, and I started at 127 (at the dr's office, with my clothes on) so that's a 2lb weight gain over the past 8 weeks.

I tried almond milk this morning and I didn't really like it, it was weird. I might give it another chance, but after looking at the nutritional values compared to Milk, it's just not as good, so I'll have to look at some silk cartons and see what they have to offer.

Naia is being adopted by another family this weekend, and so it's been a pretty emotional week. I could cry at the drop of a hat. Actually I pretty much do.

Uhh other than that I suppose that's all! :) Here's my bump:

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