Sunday, September 12, 2010

Uterus FLIP!

Well, seems as though my uterus has flipped up to where it would be for someone "normal." (aka anyone who doesn't have a tilted uterus) so my little bump has gone into hiding. Good news it that next time someone puts a doppler on my belly we should be able to hear the heartbeat (finally!) Next appointment is in 2 weeks and 4 days, and the gender scan will be shortly after that! Can't wait to hear squishy!

Started Zantac two days ago, helps me feel a little more normal but still losing breakfast (and sometimes lunch. and sometimes dinner...)

1 comment:

  1. Yeay!? Glad to know your uterus is in the right place! I hope the zantac helps with your tum tum. <3 love love love to you and the baby and to danny, I'm sending you loving kindness every day!
