Thursday, October 18, 2012

24 Weeks

24 weeks, hooray!

I'm. So. Tired.

The fatigue has returned in a big way. Acid reflex is kicking my ass or I guess it's kicking my throat, huh?

I looked back at posts from prego with Emma and it seems fatigue crept back up on me during this gestation last time as well. *sigh* I took a two hour "nap" while Emma watched TV on my bed today, feel like a horrrible mommy.

Kicking from Pebble doesn't bother me at night like it did when I was pregnant with Emma. Emma still is the one who prevents me from sleeping. LOL. That, and Danny's lack of presence... errrrrrr.

In a week and a half I will have an appointment and an ultrasound done to check on the little one. I think I'm gaining weight really quickly this time, possibly because of the lack of activity this time around. Stinks because it's not like I'm eating much more than I normally do. Either way I feel fat. Really, really fat. Already. I fear I will gain way more than 40 pounds this time. I'm even considering letting them do the Glucose testing on me this time, WHAT?? If you remember, I didn't ever take that test when I was pregnant with Emma. I refused every. single. test. Honestly though I'm just worried about the weight gain. It's making me nervous. And fat.
Sorry for lack of Emma in these photos lately, I've been doing this while she naps.

Because of the MASSIVE size of my bump, lady lumps, and booty, I cannot wear normal shirts anymore. None. Not even if it's long, because it's just not long enough. All maternity clothes from here on out. *tear*

Current Weight: 134 (Total Gain: 14 lbs)

1 comment:

  1. I think you look fantastic. Growing a baby is hard work! Maybe your body just knows better how to do it this time and is prepping early :)
