Tuesday, October 30, 2012

6 Months - Check up, ultrasound, etc.

So far I've gained an unbelievable 21 pounds. At my appointment I was 140.0lbs OMLORD. The Dr's were overly pleased with this number meanwhile I'm feeling like bursting into tears because I was only +15 this gestation last time. I guess I can put it down to all the milk I've been drinking and all the protein I've been taking in, two things I couldn't do when I was pregnant with Emma - with her it was all starches and salads because I couldn't handle animal products.

I measure small, of course, just like last time I started to measure smaller when Baby was supposed to start growing and putting on weight of her own. I was measuring 22-23 weeks in the office and 23-24 weeks on the ultrasound. (Should be closer to 26ish weeks)

My baby is healthy, placenta is healthy and in a good place, cord looks good, and, get this - FLUID is 13.6cm!!! YAY! With Emma I had problems with amniotic fluid, it would go between 5-7cm and at the end got down to 4cm when they wanted to induce me because she had low amnio fluid.( I could get it up to 7cm if I drank 3L of water a day, which is really difficult when your bladder is squished to the size of a pea. )

Little pebble had her feet on her face/head the entire time, she was folded in half. Right now she's breech but at a diagonal, so not up and down but not quite transverse yet (Emma was transverse for a while and it hurt my back a lot, to the point of tears if I stood up.) She's also currently "sunny side up" but again, all this can change in 14 weeks she could flip around multiple times before her birth day.

As for me, I'm good. Traveling is exhausting and so is planning for a move. I'm physically and mentally kind of worn out. I've had less of the intense contractions in the past week or so which is awesome.

Pebble had the hiccups for the first time today. I've been waiting for them - Emma had them all the time, several times a day even, and she still even at 20 months old gets hiccups quite frequently.

That's all for now. Here's a little shot of pebble in all her black and white liney glory. Yep that's her foot above her face.

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