Friday, February 18, 2011

Another appointment

We had another scan and Emma is tiny, and her amniotic fluid level is low. They measure on an ultrasound in cm how much fluid is present. A "good" amount of fluid is around 25 cm. If you get down to 5cm they induce, because this can be dangerous for the baby. I currently have about 7cm fluid. I will be monitored every 4-5 days from now until either my fluid shrinks below 5 or until baby girl evacuates.
Next appointment is Tuesday morning, followed by a breastfeeding class. I'm secretly hoping I don't make it that long.
Get out, baby.

also, not to sound rude, but don't suggest ways to induce labor. not. helpful. I'm tired of hearing it from Every Single Person around me - go for a walk! do this! do that! try this! this works! ok no it doesn't, otherwise Emma would be here already. And stop telling me to enjoy sleeping now. Do I sleep now? no. I pee. I'm also cranky, can you tell?

1 comment:

  1. I love you hun. Everyone is just trying to do their best to help. Everyone just does their best! My heart is full and happy and very hopeful for you. I just have eyes for love and there is lots of love here for you dear. <3
