Thursday, February 24, 2011

38 Weeks

Well, this week was FULL of doctor's appointments and even more false labor. The false labor is starting to get really really frustrating. The other night I labored for about 5 hours, with 75-85 second contractions 7 minutes apart. Then it fizzled out and stopped, just like last time. I'd say three or four times a day since then I get one really "good" contraction. I'm pretty exhausted.

Today I feel like blah, I feel kind of weird and heavy, like I don't even want to use energy to lift my hand to do anything. I did a tiny bit of laundry but I think I'm done for the day.

My hips are hurting a lot. Joints and bones in the lower part of my body get very very VERY sore at night and are very sore when i get out of bed in the morning. Makes me feel like an old woman or something. My belly is very heavy and I don't have much support from core muscles when trying to do things like... sit up.

The other day I had a breast feeding class. There was only one other "student" in  there, she was due more than a month after I am due and her belly was at least twice the size of mine. I hardly felt like I looked pregnant next to her. Poor thing must be miserable. And her husband is deployed so she has to labor alone when the time comes!! I can't imagine. I am so blessed to have my husband here with me when Emma decides to make her appearance.

As for Emma - still wiggle worm. Her fluid levels were excellent yesterday so no more concern. My next appointment with my midwife is on the 1st. I'll be a day shy of 39 weeks. I hope she tells me that Emma is coming out. ha!

Weight: 153 (30 lbs)

I'll post the photo later. Not in the mood right now. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're feeling so sore. By the end I had a hard time getting out of bed without help from Andrew. I do have to agree with you that compared to other women who are full-term, you do look smaller (luckier?). I don't know if you ever saw my full-term pictures on fb, but I was like a big beach ball hahhahaha.
    Maybe the false labour/contractions are dilating your cervix for you? Here's hoping Emma decides to make her grand appearance any day now.
