Thursday, January 27, 2011

34 Weeks

34 Weeks. Wow.

This week has been much better than the previous  2 or 3 weeks, that's for sure. Emma has moved and continues to flip flop around, I no longer feel her head and behind on my sides, but more in an up and down, maybe diagonal way. This is much easier on my back. Though it still hurts an enormous amount if I try to do a lot.
We were able to get the nursery set up and the baby's bedding washed this week. It looks so cute and I am so excited to have that done!
I really wanted to wash her clothes and blankets/swaddles and diapers this week, but I have decided to wait until after the shower that the women at Church are throwing me on Feb 2nd. I almost gave in and did some yesterday until I got a new box full of baby clothes, and decided I should wait.
I don't know why, but I feel like this baby is coming. It's scary and makes me want to do a million things at once but I'm not physically capable of that.

I haven't put on any weight in about 2 weeks, and that worries me a little. Since my uterus was small (and still is, I measured it yesterday, still 27cm) the doctor said that continued weight gain is really important. I got on the scale today and I'm still 148.0. I have an appointment on Monday, 34 weeks 5 days, and I guess we will see at that point what the next step is. It really scares me, there are so many things to watch for. Luckily, she's still a wiggle worm and I can feel her all the time.

Weight: 148.0 (total weight gain: ~25 pounds)
Waist: 38 inches


  1. I'm sure everything is wonderful, darling! Just a shifting in the puzzle pieces! All will fit together gloriously.

  2. You are still so little and adorable!

  3. I can't believe the difference a week makes! I think you should eat some donuts, you know, to help with the weight gain. :) But that's just me
