Thursday, January 20, 2011

33 Weeks

One Week Closer!

Hallelujah! One more week behind me. This week has been full of tears and back pain. And some more tears. I'm really starting to see the irrational-crying come around.
And another new development: Skin tags. I didn't know what they were at first but i don't like them! I hope they just fall off after Emma is born. They aren't very big or gross looking but I would rather not have them.
So this week I have decided that I don't hate being pregnant, I love having Emma with me all the time - but I'm disappointed in my own body. I'm disappointed that I can't seem to hold my baby in there in a comfortable way, and that my body is so weak that I'm suffering 24/7 from pain. I don't blame Emma at all. If it weren't for the back pain I could handle the pregnancy and enjoy it more fully, but at this point I say " I can't wait to be done with pregnancy" so I can get rid of that back pain. It is debilitating and I am useless. I can't wait to be a mommy and have Emma here in my arms.
Also- Emma is still in the wrong position, which could be causing a great deal of the back pain. She is what they refer to as "Transverse" meaning that she is laying sideways, head on my right side, butt on my left side, rather than up and down. This position is far less than ideal. A transverse baby cannot be delivered vaginally. I wondered why I never got kicked in the ribs, but now I know why - her feet aren't up there!
At our last appointment, my belly (aka my uterus) was measuring 5 weeks behind. Instead of measuring like a 32 -weeks pregnant belly, it was stuck at 27 weeks, which is where it was last time at my 28 week appointment. This had the doctors worried, even though Emma was clearly doing a dance routine while they were measuring. They did an ultrasound and found that even though my uterus is small, Emma is not. She's just laying sideways and weighs 4 pounds. a perfect and healthy weight for this gestation.
Goal for this week: Flip the baby. There are some exercises I can try to get her to move. They are impossible to do on my own, but luckily Danny is here to help me :)

Weight: 148.5 (EEEEEEEK! It's freakin' me out.)
Waist: 37.75 inches

Sorry, my card reader is broken! I can't get the photo from my camera on to the computer. This mobile upload will have to do, I know it's cruddy!


  1. You are absolutely adorable! I am sorry you are having all the back pain though :-( and don't blame you or your isn't anyone's fault! This is just one of those things that happens sometimes! Hopefully she will flip over soon!

  2. Love it!!! You look so big, in a good way of course!!! Can't wait to see what Emma looks like

  3. you are addorbs! Just keep breathing, darling!
