Wednesday, January 12, 2011

32 Weeks

Ok. NOW I feel 8 months pregnant. *sigh*

I've gotta say, I'm pretty exhausted. I could literally sleep all day, and still be tired and want more hours in the day for more naps. Snow outside doesn't help, because I can't actually go anywhere to do anything.. not that I am physically capable of doing that right now anyway.
You see, yesterday my back gave up. It had been painful on Sunday, and the intensity of the pain grew day by day. Monday I took a bath (I haven't had a bath in YEARS) to try to ease my pain, and it did help. I felt good for about 20 minutes - long enough to get ready for bed and snuggle up comfortably in a supportive position. Tuesday the pain was raging from the moment I got out of bed. Before, actually, since I get up several times a night to use the restroom. I got up about 4 times and I think the 3rd or 4th time I got up I noticed in the mirror that my belly looked huge, and it took me a while to get back into the bed. Anyway I got up in the morning and scooted down stairs to eat breakfast. I ate cereal. I sat around trying not to move too much for a while and got hungry again, so i reheated pizza, the easiest thing I could find. I ate the pizza and scooted back up the stairs to bed. I was stuck in bed until Danny got home, when he rubbed my back and I ended up going back to sleep for a little while. I came back downstairs and decided the pain was too much to sit upright, so I went up to take a nice hot shower, to help the pain a little bit.
I was doing alright, I was able to get my pants on myself and scoot back down two flights of stairs to get socks (all of the clean folded laundry is in the basement, since I can't carry it up myself, the "man cave" seems to have turned into my closet). Well this is when my back decided it had had enough. I went to climb back up the stairs to the main level and I got stuck. I couldn't force myself to take one more step up the stairs. I leaned on my knees, and put my hands down, attempting to climb the stairs as a child, or a dog, would, but still I couldn't move. Danny had to come and help me up the stairs and onto the couch. It was painful and i just didn't want to move. I didn't move for several more hours, Danny brought me dinner on the couch, and I sat. As comfortably as i could. I decided to go back to bed around 11, and Danny helped me climb the stairs, supporting the majority of my weight on him.
I spent the night fighting my instincts to sleep on my back, in the reclined position, as i do nearly every night as it's the easiest position for me to fall asleep in. Everything I've read about back pain in pregnancy says that if it hurts, don't lay on it. Anyway I can move this morning so I think it may have helped to sleep on my sides. I plan on getting a belly brace, a support that helps distribute weight of the belly across the back, rather than all being supported by the lower back (where the ligiments of the uterus attach).

Other than that Emma is still a Dancing Queen. I don't have enough mobility to take my own maternity photo and I have no desire to try to get undressed so I can weigh in today, so I'm skipping all of that. Instead, here's a "what your baby looks like at 32 weeks" diagram... thing. Cute baby.


  1. So sorry to hear its been a pain for you at the moment! I hope your back gives you some relief soon, and i hope you are feeling ok apart from that!!
