Friday, December 10, 2010

Paint Color

We of course had no trouble choosing Emma's name, crib, bedding, or anything like that, but when it comes to painting the nursery I just can't decide!

Here is her bedding next to the paint choices. Help!

Right now the walls are this color brown/tan/whatever:


  1. I like the far rt on the 3 panel

  2. RAIN FOREST! That one for shizzle!

  3. I like rain forest, but I am wondering if the room will be too dark once it's all painted.


  4. I love all the colors! That bedding is super cute! Think I like the lightest one the best though! I am with you on wondering if it would be too dark once it is all done! Love the shelves too! That picture looks like an ad from a catalog or something!
