Friday, December 17, 2010

28 Weeks

This marks the beginning of my 7th Month, how scary is that?!  That means 6 months are done, 28 weeks are completed. Woah.
Bring on the anxiety! And excitement!

This week Danny has been home for most of. It's made a huge difference in comfort and emotional security. He's been super sweet and when he's home from work he doesn't really let me do anything at all, even though I've been doing it all on my own since he left. He wants to take care of me while he's around. I love that. :)
A big development for this week - Hiccups. Not my own hiccups, but Emma's hiccups! I'd been feeling them for a little while but wasn't sure what they were. Danny was able to feel the hiccups on Saturday as well, which is super cool. I showed him how she loves to dance when I play gospel music and read her scriptures out loud.
Still "suffering" from indigestion/acid reflux. My ribs absolutely hate me when I try to lie down at night and I spend a lot of my time in bed tossing, though I am not sure I can call it tossing more than turning over slow-as-molasses. It gets much worse when my bladder is full for some reason.
We had another birthing class this week which was really fun, we got to practice relaxation through pretend contractions, which were painful and it was difficult to get the hang of the first time around because all you want to do when someone is hurting you is tense up and pull away, but it was very helpful in knowing that the pain just doesn't feel as bad when you finally relax. During some of our relaxation we got into some trouble for laughing too much, Danny loves to make me laugh, and that is NOT good when you're trying to get through a contraction, since the whole belly tenses up during laughter.
Last night we saw the labor/delivery episodes of the Office, and Danny started to freak out. He really got nervous about the upcoming event, and when I mentioned that we still had about 12 weeks to prepare he freaked out even more, not realizing that it was that close. I'm more nervous about taking care of a newborn than I am about labor and delivery. I'm ready to put the car seat in the car and start preparing for what I'll need in our hospital bag, and writing up our birth plan.

I had a doctor's appointment today, and they were pretty upset that I declined to be tested for gestational diabetes. Quite frankly I'm not at risk for it and I hate having unnecessary testing done. I've turned down lots of tests since the start of my pregnancy and so far.. so good. Really though it gave me a good preview of the battle I'm going to have going in to that hospital during labor, trying to deliver naturally and without a constant heart monitor on and without an IV. Luckily Danny will be there and so will my good friend Andrea, who will be there to deal with the doctors and nurses while I'm focusing on contracting. She is also the instructor of our Bradley classes, actually.

Weight: 141.5 (total weight gain: 18.5lbs)
Waist: 36 inches

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