Wednesday, December 22, 2010

29 Weeks Pregnant

This week has been rather productive... sort of. :)

We were able to get the paint for the nursery (we went with Rain Forest, as I had wanted spring breeze and Danny wanted the darkest color we went in the middle) and Danny got about 1/2 the nursery painted before he came down with the flu, so it's half way painted... and a liiiittle bright. I think we're so used to the tan and brown walls throughout our house that it's quite shocking to walk into a green room.

As far as the pregnancy goes, things are well. Still bouts of nausea here and there. I started doing my kick counts as the doctor asked, and I'm counting between 100-150 kicks an hour. She's really really active and I've decided not to count kicks anymore for the full hour because quite frankly it's a waste of time. I count how long it takes her to get to 10 kicks and then I quit counting. (It's supposed to take under 2 hours for the baby to get to 10 before you call the doctor. For me, it usually takes less than 4 minutes.) I'm also HUNGRY and eating every two to three hours, and I can't do with just a cracker or something, it has to be substantial. It's getting expensive and rediculous, as I'm making food all day long.
Another development for this week, though I've noticed it here and there before this week, now it's happening every single day, all day, and all night -- let down... colostrum. I've read and read about how normal this is before the baby comes and apparently not everyone has it before baby, but those who do seem to be able to establish a pretty good milk supply soon after the baby is born, so as bothersome as it may be (and as much as I have to wash out my bra) I take it as a blessing and a good sign.
I've also been finding it hard to sleep in, and yet two to three hours after waking up in the morning I need a nap. I'm not a naps kind of person so sometimes I just fall asleep on accident while I'm sitting down or something. I've forced myself to go back to bed to nap twice this week since I know now that the sleep is coming to get me no matter how much I try to avoid it.
Still no belly stretch marks and my belly button is still an innie, although the skin around it is pretty blue...
Danny and I have just about everything we need for the baby now. We are building our stock of cloth diapers, and so far we have 12, which is excellent. I'm still trying to decide what kind of pump to get, and we have a few gift cards left just in case there is something we forgot about. Also, for those in the KY area, my baby shower will be on the 31st January, hosted by Carrie Beth & Kara Beth. I will be 35 weeks along at that time. Hopefully Emma doesn't come before that!!!! I'd like to hold on to her until at least 37 weeks.

Weight 142.5
Waist: 36" and a little bit extra

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