Wednesday, December 29, 2010

30 Weeks

Woohoo! 30 weeks! It feels like a milestone, 75% done with this pregnancy. Whew! I can't wait to meet my baby girl.

Danny is still out of it, so the nursery is still only half painted and all of baby's stuff is still in the hallway. His fever is broken though and he's on the mend, I just wish I could speed up the healing!
Time seems to be standing still this week, I think because Danny has been home for a week and a half, and sitting there doing absolutely nothing does not help time pass by. Danny had a spinal tap, where they take spinal fluid out to test for meningitis - from the same place in the spine as where an epidural would go. He is experiencing what is called a Spinal headache, a headache that is excruciating while sitting or standing upright, but not as bad when lying down putting pressure on the spine. This is something that is very common with spinal punctures and can last several weeks. Watching him go through it, and seeing just how miserable he has been with this headache for a week, made me wonder how many women live with this after having an epidural, and is the epidural really worth it? To have some temporary pain relief that is truely temporary pain, and in return gain a headache and possibly a backache for such a long time afterword? The headache has rendered him useless, he doesn't even like to get up to use the restroom because his head pounds... imagine doing that with a newborn baby! His sister also had spinal headaches that lasted several weeks after her son was born, and continues to feel back pain to this day - her son is almost 2 years old. Now this obviously does not happen to everyone, but again, would it be worth the risk?
Obviously I had already planned to have a natural birth, but seriously, this gives me more gumption to stick to the plan, and gave Danny a reason to stand behind my decision, other than the fact that he was just going along with whatever I wanted. He now says "Never have an epidural! I hope you never have to have a needle in your back!"
On with the pregnancy stuff. This week I've been way more tired, sleeping for ridiculous periods of time at night and during the day. I've also had a few days of feeling "unwell" but nothing *knockonwood* has come of it thankfully. I've also been experiencing a few headaches here and there.
Still eating every two hours, probably the only reason I wake up from naps is to eat. Our grocery bill went up a good amount because of this. It's all for baby!
Also, the OH MY GOODNESS! I feel like my legs are going to pop off, out of their sockets, because my hips are stretching out or something and it hurts! I talked to my mom about this and she said "I know honey, and that's why the last part of pregnancy feels like it lasts the longest." I am SO glad that I am not working because there have been a few days where it's almost too painful to stand. I've also had instances of back pain and more sciatic pain.
Her kicks make me giggle, and her wiggles take my breath away. I love her. I can't WAIT TO MEET HER!

Weight: 145.5 pounds
Waist: 37inches

1 comment:

  1. Aww what a cute baby bump! Thanks for the response on my blog! I appreciate it. & thank you I am trying to keep my head up and stay positive.
