Wednesday, December 8, 2010

27 Weeks

And I've made it!!!! 3rd and FINAL TRIMESTER!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It freaks me out that I could have a baby at any time now... and that in 10 weeks I will reach "full term", Yikes!

Some days I feel like an elephant and some days I can't even tell I'm any more pregnant than just a little bloating. As it gets colder, Emma seems to hide deeper and deeper in my spine, sucking in my "belly" with her. This is great for fitting into clothing, but not so much for comfort.
The past few days I've been getting horrible sciatic pains, down my left side, which is where it bothered me pre-pregnancy when I would do things like vacuum and mop the entire house in one day. Bending, folding, standing, for 5-8 hours each day, 6 days a week... I'm coming to realize that I really will not be able to work much longer, not in the field that I am in. Because I stand up all day, my risk of premature delivery is much higher if I continue to work as I am. I'd like to cook her for as long as possible, so I'm about to put in 4 weeks notice next week *edit* I quit today. It's not worth jeopardizing full term. That means I will have about 8 weeks to get the house ready before my 40 week due date.
I've heard from many- many expectant mothers that once maternity leave starts, things don't slow down... because there is so much to do to prepare for her arrival.. and there is! Every stitch of everything has to be washed in baby friendly detergent, the carpet needs cleaned in the nursery, not to mention it needs painted.. the crib needs to be put together and we have to figure out whether or not we need more storage for the baby's room.

As far as symptoms go, the acid isn't as bad (knock on wood) as it was last week, as I don't have to sit upright to fall asleep. I've been having a small amount of vanilla ice cream before bed which has been helpful in reducing the acid, and I seem to stay asleep much longer if I eat in the short moments before going to sleep. Swelling isn't as bad this week, I'd say mostly because I've been eating at home rather than grabbing some salty fast food on my way from point A to point B. I still see it in my face more than anything, but probably because everything else has grown so much I probably wouldn't notice it there anyway.
Comfort is somewhat of a struggle, since I'm a "ball up" kind of girl, whether it's sitting in my computer chair or watching tv, or laying in bed reading, I like to have my legs to my chest... and I just can't do that anymore. My belly seems to get harder and harder, I can't squish it much anymore.
My ribs, lower back, and hips just ache in stabbing pain when I wake up in the night or in the morning. I also need to be careful when I try to get up out of bed now, because I've hurt my back trying to sit up.

Emma's movements are beginning to slow down. This could be because of her position, I can't feel her right up next to my skin anymore and when i do feel movement, it's very internal. Within the next few weeks it should slow even more as she begins to run out of room, or so I've read.

I can't wait to meet my baby girl. Every time I see a little girl at the store or while I'm out, my heart swells. I can't wait to hold her in my arms, to have her with me. And Danny is going to make such a wonderful Daddy.. he is such an amazing husband and I really miss him. Those massages and little gestures make a huge difference in my physical comfort.

Emotionally I'm a wreck. I'd say my mood swings are in pretty much full gear right now, it could have a lot to do with the fatigue.. but I'll burst out crying out of no where, and I'll get really really angry at little things, and annoyed, oh I'm on a short fuse.

I cried buckets when I got a gift from my mother in law - money for a winter coat that will fit during pregnancies - after she saw that I was struggling with buttoning up my coats. My mom got me a gift card also for maternity clothes, and I cried while on the phone with her talking about that. I'm thankful for their generosity.

One more thing, helloooo appetite. I've found the "hungry"!

Weight - 140 lbs
Waist - 35 inches

 p.s. yes those are still normal pants... with a rubber band.


  1. Sendin' you and baby lots of LOVE!

  2. You are a stunning pregnant woman!! You look so lovely :) I too am being moody of late, havent had this for 3 months do came as a surprise to hubby and myself lol!
    Not long now!!!!
