Monday, November 22, 2010

24 Weeks

Even though I'm only 2 days away from my 25 week mark I hadn't had time between Wednesday and now to actually sit down and write this until today. So I'll try to remember only things that happened in week 24.

Started out with my 24 week appointment. We had a little ultrasound of Emma, she was quite a turd, not cooperating and sticking her tongue out at us, and then she started chewing on her fingers, she yawned, she kicked her long legs around and slapped her knee a bunch of times. She kept kicking the Ultrasound tech, it was kind of funny.
Then we went in to see the nurse practicioner, who tried to find Emma's heart beat but Emma wouldn't stop moving, and based on what she could find she "guessed" her heart rate was still up near 150 which is good. I was still measuring about 4 days behind, surprise surprise! Emma weighs over a pound and is 13 inches long from head to feet. According to the doctor's scale I was 141 although when I weighed in at home it was still 137.5. According to the numbers that they have, (starting weight 122) I had already gained 19 pounds. I've decided to just ignore that. Because it's totally scary.
I have 107 days left of pregnancy, YIKES! That's just over 3 months until Emma arrives! And in two weeks, I'll be in the 3rd trimester..

Ok so things that changed in week 24: Acid reflux has become a major issue. It doesn't matter what I eat or drink, my throat just burns with acidic "burps" which aren't really burps but kind of feels like it should be until it's not... best way I can explain it.
No longer interested in eggs, or burritos. or much food for that matter, though I'm still trying to eat well it's totally bumming me out that it's not summer time and there aren't any good summer fruits in season right now. I did buy some frozen pineapple and peaches to thaw and eat but they just don't taste anything similar to the "real" ripe in season thing. *sigh*
Still no milk for me. That's an instant "sick" if you know what I mean.

Well that's all for week 24, I'll be updating again in 2 or 3 days for week 25.


  1. hope you find some yum food. What about sweet potatoes? yummmmmmm

  2. Haha! As I read this comment, I'm already eating sweet potato!!
    I can eat just about anything(except milk and red meat and broccoli) it's just about wanting to...
