Saturday, October 9, 2010

18 (and a half) weeks

Myy bad. I thought about the blog on Wednesday, and then I didn't do it. And then Thursday ended up sick, and Friday I don't think we were doing anything but being lazy after work and today I'm still sneezy but had to do this.

So this week: Very well. Only had morning sickness once, though I came close a few times. My legs are feeling better after taking that calcium this week. I seem to have lost my appetite, could be because of the cold, but I've had to force small meals because I'm just not hungry at all. As a result, I've lost some weight, down to 126.5, but along with not eating as much I'm also doing more through the week. This week was particularly busy, with work and vet appointments and church obligations. Our house is a desaster as well, from having a cold to being busy, things have gotten a little out of hand and it's totally grossing me out. Since we don't have any obligations until 5pm this afternoon (Saturday) I'm hoping to get the laundry and some of the house cleaned up. ok that's off topic.

So Emma has been kicking up a storm the last few days, it's pretty cool. I'm really hoping she gets strong enough to kick so we can feel from the outside. It's pretty surreal and hard to really take in that this is happening, and soon. I'm already almost 1/2 way through the pregnancy!

Weight 126.5 Baby Girl Emma


  1. You look so radiant and blooming!!
    I wanted to ask if you had any AF type pains in your early pregnancy, or any pains at all really!


  2. Yes, in fact, I was sooo sure that Aunt Flow was on her way that I didn't test until I was already a week over due!!

  3. Ahh thanks for getting back to me! Cant say too much at the mo :)
