Thursday, September 30, 2010

17 Weeks Pregnant

This week has been quite better than the last 16 in terms of Morning Sickness. I only "got sick" twice this past week (that includes today) even though I still feel pretty nauseous most of the time I'm not throwing it all up anymore YAAAAAAY! I've been able to eat three meals and lots of snacks nearly every day. Meals aren't nearly the size that they used to be, but still, meals none the less.

Other things going on this week:
  • Restless legs. After going to the doctor today, I found out I have a calcium deficiency, and that accounts for the restless legs. I'm now on calcium tablets, since I don't drink milk, and only use soy milk in my cereal and for cooking.
  • Round ligament pains. These are fun, cramps that go from your uterus all the way up the sides of your belly. Fun stuff.
  • Lower Back Pain. More fun! Just something that comes with pregnancy
  • Sniffles. Yes, in fact, pregnancy causes some sort of something to happen to mucous membranes and I wasn't paying attention so I don't remember why, but lots of pregnant ladies get really snooty around this time of pregnancy. 
  • Nose and gum bleeding. Yaay. enough said.
  • Trouble Sleeping: this I can attribute mostly to being told not to sleep on my back. I ignored at first but can't when my body wakes me up every time I lie on my back or turn onto my back during the night. Doc said this is because my blood pressure goes down and bam, body wakes me up to say "Hey! I need more blood!" i really need to find a good pregnancy pillow to shove under one side of my back to keep me from rolling over.
Doc says I'm right on track for weight gain, Hooray! Today (at home) I weighed in at 128.0lbs. A perfect amount of weight gain from last week, and to date. From 122 I've gained about 6 lbs, and if I continue to gain one pound per week, it will put me at right around 28-30 pounds, just where they want me to be. Woohoo!
Heard the baby today, heart beat still above 150bpm, perfect. It took a little while to find the heart beat, which made me want to die, but baby moved closer and we found it woohoo!!

Tonight, we find out the sex. Oh, and my bump came out to say hello today!


  1. Is there somewhere in Louisville you can get a massage? I think it would do you wonders. I go twice a month for massage. It is something everyone on this earth deserves for themselves.

  2. What wonderful news to hear baby's heartbeat..! Congrats! So happy for you…...the whole glow of
    pregnancy is that, the time when your lumps and bumps are showing up!!! & I suggest you for Prenatal Yoga is the best part of helps with your tiredness & Hope you would feel better every day! 17 weeks pregnant
