Thursday, September 2, 2010

13 Weeks

Well this week I am 13 weeks along!

I thought by now I would be feeling much better, but the last two days have been overly difficult. I got super sick today just walking down into the kitchen, and then again when I managed to make my way to the pantry and opened the door. It was like the smell of whatever was in there really smashed into my nose. When Danny came home he cleaned it out and threw out anything that had been opened already and all breads and bagels that could possibly have gone bad.

I'm not sure how much weight I've gained, I haven't been using the scale. I suppose I should start trying to keep track of that a little better, now that I'm supposed to start gaining about half a pound per week, up to a whole pound per week until the end of my pregnancy.

I still can't eat meat chicken or seafood, and I've found many recipes and options available at restaurants. Now that I'm not on the Prednisone I no longer lie awake through the night, so I've been able to get at least some sleep, minus the 2 or 3 bathroom trips in the middle of the night.

I've found that peppermint gum helps with the funky "metalic" taste in my mouth, and it also keeps me from gagging through the day as long as I have a piece in my mouth at all times. This can be quite difficult if I misplace my pack of gum, and can also be annoying as I go through a pack of gum every day. Sometimes if I get tired of chewing I use lifesavers mints but those have sugar in them.

Not sure what else to update on, our next appointment is the 30th of September and we will find out the baby's gender in about 4 weeks!

Here is my bump for the week, I know, I'm not glamorous at all, I have been sick through the day today and am not looking very "glowy" at all.

1 comment:

  1. What are you talking about, you look VERY glowy! Did you get all that tan from ONE day at the water park!
    Feel better honey bunches! I'm starting to rethink that it is a boy... but I DUNO! did you know they have gender tests at the drug store now!?
