Wednesday, August 18, 2010

11 Weeks Pregnant

Well, so far it has been quite a journey.

I have 8 days left of steroids, and still am not sleeping, thanks to said steroids, so I'm pretty tired, and I feel very irritable and crabby. I'm also constantly nauseous and constantly eating, weird combination. Tired of making four hundred meals a day and running out of ideas of what to eat. Haha. I have a strange taste in my mouth ALL THE TIME and it really bugs! I have been chewing pepermint gum, which does actually seem to help quite a bit, but I can't chew it all the time or I get headaches. (I know it sounds like I'm complaining a lot, doesn't it? I told you I'm crabby.)

Yesterday was pretty amazing. I had an ultrasound, and I got to see the little heart beating again. Even better, I got to see how much the baby has grown! And how he or she was moving all around, and jumping up and down, kicking arms and flinging legs, moving his or her mouth!! I say I can already tell he or she has Danny's nose ( ;) ) but we shall see!

We find out the sex of the baby on week 24 (17-24 November) unless we want to opt for a "private" scan, which means we pay out of pocket, to find out earlier. Danny and I will discuss this later on. Still no communication with Danny, so he hasn't heard about the ultrasound or appointment yet. Stinks to be pregnant alone, all I want is to share these special moments with him, these moments we have waited so long to have. My next appointment is on the 30th of September, and by then we should be able to actually hear the heart beating. (We could see it, but due to the backwards tilt of my uterus, the Doppler could not pick up the audio. Normally the heartbeat can be heard around 6-8 weeks of pregnancy.)

Other than being tired and crabby, and sometimes overly emotional, I'm doing alright. Counting down the days until I get to see Danny again and he can touch my growing baby belly.<3


  1. OH my gosh I love the belly!!!!! I wanna see you guys so bad! I miss you!!!

  2. I cannot wait until you get to see and talk to Danny too. We are all thinking of you and him and hopefully he is receiving some of our "espn" signals. =D

  3. Sorry your hubby isn't there to share it, but just think about all the amazing stuff you have to catch up on when you speak to him next! Baba looks SO cute, and your little belly is so cute too! You can really see the difference - it's amazing! Hope you feel better soon xxx
