Friday, July 16, 2010

6 weeks Pregnant

So far, I feel pretty normal.

I've been worried a few times, because I really don't have any sort of morning sickness or nausea 99% of the time. Usually if I eat and then get in the car ( which I have to do every day before work...) I get kind of motion sick (so I spend the first hour at work feeling icky!!), but other than that I usually feel fine. I get fatigued more easily, and the "girls" hurt all the time. Other than that.... I'm just me!

Danny and I have been eating much healthier since we found out we're going to be parents. We've switched from white to whole grain rice, and haven't eaten nearly as much junk food as we (or I) normally do. Lots of fruits have been added to our diets, and I've been very conscious of how much water I'm taking in (at least 64 ounces each day). I've only had two sprites, and only because of nausea, but no soda other than that. Just water, really,and occasionally some V8 fusion.

I take my prenatal vitamins every morning, and they help boost my energy level up for a few hours. I've only taken two home pregnancy tests, one the day I found out, and one 4 or 5 days later after I started to get that first pregnancy worry. It was way more positive than the first, and really put my mind at ease.

We are still waiting for our first prenatal appointment. Danny will be going TDY(again) on the 26th, the day of our appointment, and we are just hoping and praying that he won't have to leave until after the 9am appointment time. I suppose it will just be a preview of what's to come - just like that iPhone commercial I cried about before I knew I was pregnant - doing ultrasounds alone and being pregnant alone. I guess that's what comes with being a military wife, you get to be a single mom and a married mom all at the same time!

So far I have gained 1 pound. Starting weight was 123 (well "starting" meaning I weighed myself when i found out I was pregnant, though I think I was more like 121 before... but who knows. I try to stay away from the scale for the most part.), and at 6 weeks I weigh 124.0. Photo below - 6 weeks pregnant. Bottom photo: 5 weeks, 6 weeks.


  1. I drink a lot of sparkling water for nausea, arrowhead has a raspberry lime flavor that I really like. Get it nice and cold in the fridge and it's great for yucky tummy feeling. V8 drinks are great when you start feeling fatigued.


  2. that sounds SOOOOOOOOOOOO REFRESHING!!!!!!! *drool*

  3. This is so awesome!!! cant wait to keep up!!!
