Monday, October 8, 2012

22 Weeks

Well I am off on my days somehow, I thought today I'd be 22+2 but according to the docs I'm actually 22+4. Not really a big deal.

I didn't update Saturday like I had planned because I was in the hospital.

Friday night I had some cramping, belly aches, that sort of thing. I wasn't feeling well.

Saturday it was worse, cramping and tightness as well as pain in by back and right side. I recognized the kidney pain from when I had a kidney infection a few years ago (back in 2009 I believe). I lay on the couch all day while E destroyed the house and played with everything, including pulling everything out of all cupboards in the kitchen etc. At 7 I promptly put her to bed and called someone to come sit in the house while she slept so I could go to L&D.
This really isn't a dramatic story, I was just in a lot of pain and wanted to be sure baby wasn't being evicted. I could still feel her moving and kicking, because she's quite active 24/7. They had me on monitors for about 3 hours, I was contracting but nothing was happening to my cervix. I had been given tons to drink, because when I got there I was "slightly dehydrated" so they say. After a little over an hour and a liter of water the conractions stopped. But the kidney pain still remianed.
Blood work, urine, a bunch of pounding on my back and rubbing (that really, really hurts... I'll punch the next doctor who does that to me!) and everything came back negative/inconclusive.

I'm once again instructed to just "take it easy" - but more extreme this time - no sweeping, vacuuming, mopping until I'm feeling better and I'm supposed to lay down as much as possible. It's really boring, but it does help. I can tell when I sit upright or stand things get worse. I would just rather be able to do things around here.. *sigh*

I know I promised a picture but it hasn't happened yet. For reference just take a look at my 21 & 23weeks pictures from my pregnancy with E, and you'll get the idea. :)

1 comment:

  1. Im sorry it was so bad. My IUD has continued to give me excruciating pain at various times during the month. I can't really get it checked out right now but usually it feels fine so I assume it's not really a terribly big deal. I'm glad you have people that can come to your house and help you out sometimes when you really need it, that is so important.
