Monday, July 2, 2012

7 Weeks

So I'm 7 weeks along now, how nice. Actually wish I could fast forward to the end, but oh well. I definitely do not enjoy being pregnant.
I'm not saying that in an ungrateful way. Not at all! I want to love my children and I feel like I'm missing out on what would have been an awesome summer with Emma because I'm laying on the couch trying to avoid vomit-town. I did go to the doctor last week and I got some phenagren (Sp?) but it puts me to sleep. So I take it right before bed. Which is actually great because I was waking up in the middle of the night to barf in a bucket (sorry, so gross) and now I can just sleep peacefully, and the best part is that I wake up not feeling nauseous. It usually waits until after breakfast to kick in. Knock on wood, please stay that way. It's definitely the worst at night this time around.
Water = YUCK! I remember when one of my friends was pregnant and she always told me how horrible water tastes when you're pregnant. Then I got pregnant with Emma and all was well and good I drank water by the gallon! I always had a cup with me - I even was teased about carrying my red cup with me wherever I went. But this time, it's all I can do to stomach the stuff. Water is usually all that I drink. And sometimes chocolate milk. But now, no water. No milk. Ewwwwwwwww. Ok I do still drink water but only because I force it. I do kind of like ginger ale, but the sugar is outrageous in soda. I need something else. I don't really care for juice - too sweet!
So the apple thing is back. But not a craving like last time. But I can eat them and they make my stomach stop churning. Also it's not green apples this time, I'm really enjoying the red ones. Strange as I've never been a huge fan of the RED apple. Usually yellow or green.
And I hate cooking right now. I hate smelling what I'm cooking while I'm cooking it and then having to eat it and then still being able to smell it after I've eaten it. I REALLY HATE COOKING. I really wish Danny were here. He would grill for me all summer. :(
Not sure what else to say really. Oh yeah, I have an appointment on 20 July to see the baby and confirm the due date (Feb 9th). Fun fun! I'll also have a physical exam that day, I'll spare you the details about that though.
Weight: 119 (Yep , back where we started!)

I didn't take a picture this week and held off posting this until I did.. well it's too late I'm already past 8 weeks! EEK!

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