Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!! Oh wait crap your baby isn't growing.

It's easy to tell someone else not to worry about how their baby is measuring, that this and that and the other thing are inaccurate and that everything is fine. And then, it happens to you. And you're like, well.. crap.

They do the routine measurements, bla bla bla. Everything is good until they check fundal height. Ok this is something I've clearly had a problem with for weeks now. I'm measuring 32cm and "should" be closer to 37cm. They ask me if the baby has dropped, and I'm like, Uh i don't know.. aren't you supposed to be able to know that??
So of course I'm sent in to be measured by ultrasound. Last time there was nothing to be worried about, everything measured "normal" bla bla bla. This time Emma measured between 34-35 weeks instead of close to 37 weeks. So they put me on the monitor. Clearly, I could have told them, she was moving, and as they were strapping the monitor to me Emma kept trying to kick them away. Everything was great on the monitor, she was moving (duh) and her heart rate was great.
They measured the fluid, all is well there.

Emma is "measuring" about 5 pounds, 5 ounces. very small baby right now. I know, these things are inaccurate, and you can't really tell how big or small they are based on an ultrasound. But it's scary, when she's not measuring as big as she should be at this point. I feel like, what am I doing wrong, should I eat more? I don't know how that's really possible, I guess I could take in more protein?


Oh yeah, Emma is engaged, meaning, yes, she has dropped. She's ready to come out whenever *real* labor starts.

Next measurement is on Thursday. They want to check her out again.

1 comment:

  1. some babies are just small. just because she is "measuring" small doesn't mean that she isn't as developed as well as she should be. Keep your head up! Everything will be okay and pretty soon little Emma will be in your arms!
