Wednesday, August 11, 2010

10 Weeks Pregnant

These last few weeks have been far from ideal. I skipped 9 weeks update, it just slipped away from me. After working 26 hours in one week (I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but when you are 8-9 weeks pregnant it is.) I was pooped.

So here's whats going on: I stopped taking my Zofran, I didn't want to risk an allergic reaction after the Dr first told me that was what was happening. My body was covered in hives and swollen and itchy.

The following morning, I woke up to blindness. Not actual blindness but I had to feel my face to check if my eyes were actually open because I couldn't see anything, and they were swollen shut. (photo below). I ended up being taken to the hospital by my new roommate, Leeanne, where I was sent to an allergist. As soon as he saw the reaction on my legs, he said it was 100% poison ivy, a reaction that had gotten down into my blood system, further weakened my immune system and caused a severe  allergic reaction. I was given two options: Take a steroid shot and continue on steroids for the next 5 days, risking birth defects and miscarriage (or possibly better growth in the baby, they said it could go either way) or, not take the steroids, and risk my own death by suffocation, as my airways were starting to react. (I had to blow into this machine, I nearly died because it was so hard!! AH!) So I chose my life over no life (no mama, no baby), and had the shot. Within 15 minutes my eyes opened up again.

I will have another appointment on Friday to make sure everything is clearing up, and then an Ultrasound and OB appointment on Tuesday night to check on my baby. (after I'm done with the steroids)

I might post a baby bump picture later, but I'm scared.

Danny's unit tried to get him home early, but it didn't work out. I did however get a phone call and I was able to speak with him for about 7 minutes. I'll get to speak to him again after my appointment on Tuesday, as everyone is concerned about the baby and want to make sure that everything goes well.

Please, PLEASE, keep us (the three of us) in your prayers. I'm having someone come to spray the poison ivy out of our yard tomorrow afternoon, so we won't risk this horrible trial again.

This is my swollen face, my eyes are OPEN, but not... really able to open. I could hardly see anything out of my right eye and my left was closed completely.

1 comment:

  1. So awful I'm sorry. Lets hope it's all roses and cupcakes from here on out! =D
