Thursday, July 29, 2010

8 Weeks Pregnant

Well here I am, 8 weeks into the pregnancy, I've made it to the 2 month mark!! My baby is the size of a pinto bean (so says my pregnancy book).

I've still been feeling the morning sickness, and I've started to get seriously light headed when I stand for too long. Needless to say this makes work difficult sometimes and I've been leaning and sitting on every table in the store throughout my shifts. I feel like I don't help a whole lot while I'm there... but at least I'm there. I left early today though because being on my feet made me feel that much worse. I was finally able to eat when I got off of work and am happy to say that I kept it all down!

I had some help from a friend this week, as Danny is gone and can't (obviously) help around the house. Cleaning toilets and bleaching bathrooms, I'm so grateful for my friend's help. It made me feel so much better to have clean in my life. hahaha!

I have moved into a somewhat meatless diet, as it isn't appealing to me at all to look at or cook any kind of meat or poultry, though I did eat a cheeseburger yesterday. I couldn't seem to eat one today though. Luckily I've been in love with peanut butter this week, especially with my granny smith apples (yes, still my food of choice above all else haha!) and have been finding other sources of that oh so important protein to snack and eat.

I seem to have had somewhat of a "growth spurt" this week, despite the sickness. I have gained 1.5 lbs this past week, and now weigh in at 126.0. Belly time! (Danny is gone so I did my best, propping up the camera with a blanket...


  1. is that a picture of the mormon temple in LA? =P

  2. Nope.. the one in Bountiful, Utah.. where Danny and I were sealed. :)
