Thursday, February 10, 2011

36 Weeks

Just one more week until I reach "full term"
This week marks the beginning of the 9th month.

Well I'm tired. And I sleep for ... well as many hours a day as I can get in. I feel pretty great, minus the small amount of hip pain that I have (ok well I guess it wouldn't be considered a small amount normally, but since it's a million times less painful than the back pain, I have no reason to complain about it really), and occasionally my back will get really sore.
So far this week I've noticed myself leaning back more while standing, and constantly shifting my weight. I also get really dehydrated over night, and have to drink a full cup of water the moment I wake up. Also, the swelling in my fingers and face go up and down so I just don't wear my rings at all any more, just to avoid having them get stuck. Oh and my hands SWEAT a lot.
Emma's movements have slowed down some, though when she does feel like moving it's kind of painful. I feel like she's going to break through, and it hurts! Still I try not to tell her to "stop" because I really don't want her to stop moving - that would be bad.
I have been able to keep fairly busy through the day, only able to accomplish a small amount since I go slow and get worn out very easily, but none the less it has been a million times better being out of bed or off the couch and actually able to move around, as slow as it may be.
Other than all of that, we're pretty much ready to go, hospital bag packed, car seat installed, all baby clothing/items are washed and ready for her. I've been cleaning out closets and getting rid of stuff all over the house to prepare for her arrival. Either that or it's this mysterious phenomenon called "nesting."
Weight: 149
Waist: 38"
I let you see my love handles, and my stretch marks. they DO exist! (hahahhah)

Don't seem to be growing much. Oh well I don't look like a boat!

My belly button is disappearing! Sometimes it pops out when Emma plays with it.


  1. So cute! Especially cute that you are showing off your love handles and stretch marks!

  2. YEAY she's coming sooon! Love you nessie baby! Take goood care of everyone!
